Eduardo Paoliello


Eduardo Paoliello is the partner in charge of the Tax Law area and co-responsible for the Corporate and Business Law areas. He was President of the Centro de Estudos das

Sociedades de Advogados, Seccional Minas Gerais (CESA/MG), from 2015 to 2017, and currently a member of its board of directors.

He is President of the Law Firms Commission and member of the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Commission, both of the Brazilian Bar Association, Minas Gerais Section (OAB/MG).

He assists national and international clients of various sizes in tax planning and corporate restructuring operations.

He has a strong presence in strategic litigation involving tax law, corporate law, business law, bankruptcy law and reorganization. He participates in arbitrations of corporate, business, and contractual issues, either as counsel to the parties or as arbitrator.


  • MBA - Fundação Dom Cabral (2011)
  • Post-graduate degree in Corporate Law - Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2004)
  • Bachelor of Laws - Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2000)


  • Arbitrator - Câmara Mineira de Mediação e Arbitragem (CAMINAS)
  • Director of the Commercial and Business Association of Minas Gerais (ACMinas)
  • Former President of CESA/MG - Center for Studies of Law Firms
  • President of the Law Firms Commission - OAB/MG
  • Member of the Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration Committee of OAB/MG