Rafael Grassi Pinto Ferreira


Rafael Grassi has been working for more than 30 years in the areas of Labor and Union Law.

He advises companies of various industries in collective bargaining, with a business focus, dedicated to understanding the needs of employers and workers and building legal and negotiating strategies for the adoption of preventive measures and generating opportunities.

He has worked in large companies such as Vale S.A., Grupo Ferro Ligas, and Votorantim Metais, holding the positions of lawyer, labor legal coordinator, CEO’s legal advisor, labor legal manager, and general legal manager.

Grassi is a former Labor Law Professor at CEDIN - Center for Studies in Law and Business. He is the author of several articles on collective bargaining, outsourcing, telecommuting, working hours, executive employment agreements, bonuses, profit sharing, occupational health and safety, among others.


  • Mestre em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos - MG (2019);
  • MBA in Management and Legal System - Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (2008)
  • MBA in People Management - Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (2005)
  • Specialist in Labor and Social Security Law - Gama Filho University - RJ (2000)
  • Specialist in Business Law - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC/MG (1996);
  • Bachelor of Laws - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (1988)


  • Vale S.A.: Advogado, Coordenador Trabalhista, Gerente Jurídico Trabalhista e Previdenciário e Gerente Geral Jurídico (2001 a 2022);
  • Valia – Previdência Privada: Conselheiro Fiscal e Membro do Conselho Deliberativo (2009 a 2022);
  • Grupo Ferroligas: Advogado e Assessor Jurídico da Presidência (1997 a 2001);
  • Votorantim Metais: Advogado (1988 a 1997);
  • Professor de Direito do Trabalho e de Gestão de Departamento Jurídico no CEDIN – Centro de Estudo em Direito e Negócios (2019 a 2021);
  • Associação Comercial do Rio De Janeiro: Membro do Conselho de Relações do Trabalho (2005 a 2009);
  • Membro da Comissão de Direito Corporativo da OAB/RJ (2016 a 2018).